Time to add color in your life

Friday, November 13, 2015

Yeah! What’s popular nowadays…

A lot of people are trying this new thing called Adult Colouring Book

They said that it will help you unstress hehehe is that a word?

But anyways I’ve tried it so my thoughts about it is that, you will feel accomplished when you try to colour intricate designs and warning! You should be patient while doing this, because I was kind of impatient coz I want to see the finished product ASAP. But the point of doing this is to kill time when you have lots of it, and it takes your mind away from things and yes it made me relax. So I think this is a good thing, I recommend it.

So what colouring book to buy…

There are different types and prices of course.

Price ranges from 150 – 2000 pesos depend on what you like, but what do I recommend.

First, I will ask you if you are a novice or an expert, because if you are a novice and just want to try it and you will see in the near future you will not continue it anymore this is what I suggest.

Buy the cheapest P150 worth of colouring book (although it’s cheap it’s good) the paper and the design are good enough. The sample is the above photo.

You don’t want to buy the expensive one when afterwards you will lock it in your drawer right? Anyways when you think you like it enough to make it a hobby, you can buy the more expensive one.

So what kind of colouring stuff you need to buy…

There are plenty! Crayons, coloured pencils, coloured pen etc…

What I used is Coloured Pencils, coz I’m not a perfect person, I need to erase some things…

I used Maped Colouring Pencils, 12 colours worth 110 pesos, you can buy 24 or 36 colours but I don’t think you will use it all; it ranges from 200-500 pesos. In the above photo, I only used 7 colours, but it doesn’t look like it right. So I think you don’t need to buy so many colours.

So you can go to your nearest school supplies store, and they are available there.

Enjoy colouring!

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